Bell House Fitness – Lifting 12.26.22 MAIN LIFT 10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10 reps for load: DB Bench Presses – Rest 2:00 between sets. SCORE:LOAD NOTES This is a deload week after last week’s heavy singles and before the start of a new cycle for the new year. Build to a heavy set for each respective rep scheme, increasing load as the reps descend and then decreasing load as the reps increase again. Use a grip that is neither neutral, nor parallel, and that is somewhere around a 45-degree angle between the arms and the torso. Feel free to go as heavy as you can inside the rest parameters. The rest of the week forces the loading to be light. For Accessory – I, scale the GHDs to parallel or an AbMat as needed. Substitute with banded ring dips or ring support holds as needed. WARM-UP 2 sets: 2:00 ski erg 15 kip swings...
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