Bell House Fitness – Lifting 12.17.22 MAIN LIFT 2 sets: 2 cleans (80%) 2 sets: 1 clean (83%) 2 sets: 1 clean (85%) 1 set: 1 clean (87%) SCORE:LOAD NOTES Welcome to week 11 of our final weightlifting cycle for the year. This is our final week before we re-test our 1-rep max clean and snatch! This week, we lower the weights on the bar for the clean and snatch to focus on hitting moderately heavy weights with great speed and form. We also give the body a tiny bit of a break, allowing the nervous system to recover fully leading into next week! The basic lifts are the same as last week, however, we are decreasing the reps and increasing the weight. This week, we will be establishing a 3-rep max! In Accessory – I, use 115% of your 1-rep max. We’ve been doing a ton of clean and...
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 12.17.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 20 with a partner: Partner 1: 300-m run Partner 2: 20 DB hang power snatches – Partners rotate after the run and snatches are completed. – Partners perform 5 synchronized DB-facing burpees before rotating. BODYWEIGHT AMRAP 20 with a partner: Partner 1: 300-m run Partner 2: 20 jumps onto, or over, an object – Partners rotate after the run and snatches are completed. – Partners perform 5 synchronized DB-facing burpees before rotating. WORKOUT NOTES 7-8 rounds. Light-to-moderate DB (35/50 lb). Use one DB. Reduce DB load as needed, reduce run distance to 200-m, and scale to regular burpees or up-downs as needed. WARM-UP 1 set: 5 DB deadlifts/arm 5 DB swings/arm 5 DB push presses/arm 50-ft DB overhead carry/arm 5 DB hang snatches/arm 5 burpees 300-m run 1 set: 8 alternating DB hang power snatches 5...
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Back Squat (5 sets for load: 5 back squats)
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting REST DAY
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 12.16.22 (No Measure) EQUIPMENT 5 sets for tempo: 8 DB squats – Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets. – Maintain the longest possible tempo for as many reps and sets as possible without sacrificing mechanics. BODYWEIGHT EMOM 20: Min. 1 | :30-:45 wall-sit hold Min. 2 | :30 max-rep jumping air squats WORKOUT NOTES At least :05 down and a :05 hold/rep. Heaviest DBs available to you (50/70 lb). Use two DBs if possible. Reduce load and/or use one DB if necessary, squat to a target, or substitute with lunges to scale. WARM-UP 2 sets: 1:00 jog 1:00 air squat 10 elbow instep hip circles/direction 10 hamstring kick-ups/leg 1 set: 5 goblet squats – :05 descent, :05 hold, stand quickly. 1 set: 3-5 DB squats – :05 descent, :05 hold, stand quickly. ACCESSORY Post-workout: For quality: 100 hollow rocks – Rest as needed. STRETCHING 2 sets:...
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