Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 12.03.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 30 with a partner: 10 single-arm dumbbell thrusters 6 handstand push-ups 2 DB burpee squat cleans – One partner works at a time. – Each partner completes a full round before switching. BODYWEIGHT AMRAP 30 with a partner: 10 air squats 6 handstand push-ups 10 alternating single-leg squats – One partner works at a time. – Each partner completes a full round before switching. WORKOUT NOTES 15-20 rounds. Moderate DB load (35/50 lb). Scale HSPU to pike push-ups, reduce the DB load, and use only just 1 DB for the DB burpee squat cleans. WARM-UP On a 6:00 clock: 20 mountain climbers 10 alternating spiderman stretches 5 dive bombers 1 wall walk (:10 hold) 2 sets: 5 single-DB thrusters 3 handstand push-ups 2 DB burpee squat cleans ACCESSORY Rest, stretch, recover STRETCHING 2 sets: :30 foam...
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting REST DAY
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Lynne (AMRAP – Reps) 5 Rounds for Max Reps of: Bodyweight Bench Press Pull-upsMOD 1) 5 rounds for max reps: 3/4 body weight bench presses 1:00 pull-ups – Rest as needed between rounds. MOD 2) 5 rounds for max reps: 1/2 body weight bench presses 1:00 ring rows – Rest as needed between rounds.
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 12.02.22 (AMRAP – Reps) EQUIPMENT 5 rounds for max reps: DB floor presses DB bent over rows – Rest as needed between rounds. BODYWEIGHT 5 rounds for max reps: Push-ups V-ups – Rest as needed between rounds. WORKOUT NOTES 10-15+ reps/movement. DB loads as heavy as possible. Reduce load and increase rest as needed. WARM-UP 1 set: :30 jumping jacks 10 alternating scorpions 10 DB bent over rows/arm 1 set: 5 tempo push-ups 5 push-ups 10 DB bent over rows 1 set: :20 DB floor press – Rest :10 :20 DB bent over rows ACCESSORY Pre-workout: 10 sets: Run :30 Rest :30 STRETCHING 3 sets: :30 reach, roll, and lift 30 banded pull-aparts
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting 12.01.22 MAIN LIFT 2 sets: 2 cleans (83%) 2 sets: 2 cleans (85%) 2 sets: 1 clean (87%) 2 sets: 1 clean (90%)   NOTES Welcome to week 8 of our final weightlifting cycle for the year. This week, we are once again increasing the loading for both the clean and snatch. Weights are getting really heavy and close to our 1-rep max. As these weights become heavy, stay in control of your movement patterns. The goal for today is to focus on standing with your chest up, keeping your hips from rising too soon off the floor. The basic lifts are changing, and we are now performing both the overhead squat and deadlift. This week we will be establishing a 7-rep max! In Accessory – I, use 110% of your 1-rep max. You may notice we’ve been doing a ton of clean and snatch...
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