Bell House Fitness – Lifting REST DAY
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 11.18.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 5: 10 weighted step-ups (20 in) 10 push-ups Rest 5:00 AMRAP 5: 10 weighted step-ups (20 in) 10 push-ups BODYWEIGHT Same as equipment option. WORKOUT NOTES 3+ rounds/AMRAP. Light step-up load (15/25 lbs or less). Use any object, held any way, for the step-ups. Scale to no weight to finish in less than :40. Scale push-ups to the knees or to 6 reps to finish in :30 every round. WARM-UP 3 sets: 10 alternating step-ups – Rest :30 between sets. 3 sets: :20 knee push-ups – Rest :30 between sets. 3 sets: 6 weighted step-ups 5 push-ups – No rest between sets. ACCESSORY Pre-workout: 4 sets: 1-5 wall-facing handstand push-ups. – Rest as needed between sets. – Scale to pike push-ups. STRETCHING Accumulate: 1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side 1:00 reach, roll, and lift
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 11.18.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) RX AMRAP 5: 10/15 calorie row 10 push-ups Rest 5:00 AMRAP 5: 10/15 calorie row 10 push-ups MOD 1 Same as Rx’d MOD 2 AMRAP 5: 7/10 calorie row 10 push-ups Rest 5:00 AMRAP 5: 7/10 calorie row 10 push-ups Push Press (SKILL WORK Pre-workout: 4 sets: 5 push presses – Build to a heavy set of 5-reps.)
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting Front Squat (MAIN LIFT 3 sets: 3 front squats – Building to your heaviest set of 3.) NOTES Welcome to week 7 of our final weightlifting cycle for the year. This week, we are once again increasing the loading for both the clean and snatch. Weights are starting to become really heavy. Now more than ever, you need to focus on mechanics to make these lifts happen. The goal for today is to focus on standing with your chest up. Don’t let your hips rise too soon off the floor. Increase the loading on the barbell for both the shoulder presses and front squats this week. Last week, we build to a heavy 5 reps, and this week we’re building to a heavy 3 reps. Aim to build to round 90%+ of your 1-rep max! In Accessory – I, use a sandbag that allows to...
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 11.17.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 20: 4 DB thrusters 6 v-ups 24 double-unders – Use two DBs BODYWEIGHT AMRAP 20: 4 weighted thrusters 6 weighted sit-ups 24 lateral line hops WORKOUT NOTES 10+ rounds. Moderate DB load (2×35/50 lb). Scale to single-DB thrusters, sit-ups, and single-unders or :30 of double-under reps. WARM-UP 1 set: :30 single-unders :30 hollow rocks :30 wall squats – Rest :10 between movements. 1 set: :30 single-single-double :30 slow v-ups :30 single-DB thrusters 2 sets: 6 DB thrusters 8 v-ups 32 double-unders – Rest :30 between sets. ACCESSORY Post-workout: 5 sets: :30 supermen – Rest :30. STRETCHING 2 sets: 1:00 foam roll lower back 1:00 foam roll quads
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