Bell House Fitness – Lifting REST DAY
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 11.15.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT 5 rounds for time: 15 DB deadlifts 12 DB hang power cleans 9 DB push jerks BODYWEIGHT 5 rounds for time: 15 alternating single-leg squats 12 up-downs to a target (6 in) 9 handstand push-ups WORKOUT NOTES 6:00-10:00. Moderate DB load (2×35/50 lb). Reduce the DB load if needed and/or reduce the volume to 12-9-6. WARM-UP 3 sets: :30 unweighted good mornings :30 superman hold :30 goblet squats – No rest between movements. – Rest 1:00 between sets. 1 set: 8 suitcase DB deadlifts/arm 8 DB deadlifts 6 single-arm DB hang power cleans/arm 6 DB hang power cleans 4 single-arm DB push jerks/arm 4 DB push jerks 2 sets: 5 DB deadlifts 4 DB hang power cleans 3 DB push jerks – No rest between sets. ACCESSORY Post-workout: EMOM 10: Min. 1 | :30 hang squat cleans Min. 2 | :30-:45...
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit DT (Time) 5 Rounds for time: 12 Deadlifts, 155# / 105# 9 Hang Power Cleans, 155# / 105# 6 Push Jerks, 155# / 105#In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on February, 20 2009To learn more about DT click hereMOD 1 5 rounds for time: 12 deadlifts (65/95 lb) 9 hang power cleans 6 push jerks MOD 2 5 rounds for time: 12 deadlifts (35/45 lb) 9 hang power cleans 6 push presses Hang Power Clean (SKILL WORK Pre-workout: EMOM 10: 2 hang power cleans)
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting 11.14.22 MAIN LIFT 3 sets: 2 cleans (83%) 2 sets: 2 cleans (85%) 4 sets: 1 clean (87%)   NOTES Welcome to week 7 of our final weightlifting cycle for the year. This week, we are once again increasing the loading for both the clean and snatch. Weights are starting to become really heavy. Now more than ever, you need to focus on mechanics to make these lifts happen. The goal for today is to focus on standing with your chest up. Don’t let your hips rise too soon off the floor. Increase the loading on the barbell for both the shoulder presses and front squats this week. Last week, we build to a heavy 5 reps, and this week we’re building to a heavy 3 reps. Aim to build to round 90%+ of your 1-rep max! In Accessory – I, use 105% of your...
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 11.14.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT 2 rounds for time: 800-m run 50 jumping lunges BODYWEIGHT Same as equipment option. WORKOUT NOTES 11:00-15:00. Bodyweight workout that requires a high degree of lower-body strength and stamina. Scale the run to 600-m to finish faster than 5:00, and reduce jumping lunge volume to 30 reps or substitute with walking lunge steps. WARM-UP 2 sets: 10 hamstring scoops/side 50-m jog 2 sets: 10 leg swings/side 50-m jog 2 sets: 10 Samson stretch lunges 100-m run 2 sets: 10 jumping lunges 150-m run – No rest between sets. ACCESSORY Post-workout: 3 sets: 20 DB good mornings 10 side-plank dips (left) 10 side-plank dips (right) STRETCHING 2 sets: :30 pigeon stretch/leg :30 couch stretch/leg
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