Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 11.01.11 (Time) EQUIPMENT 5 sets for time: 30 burpees – Rest 2:00 between sets. BODYWEIGHT Same as equipment option. WORKOUT NOTES 2:00 or less on every set. Simple and light bodyweight workout. Reduce burpee volume to 25, 20, or even 15 reps to finish in less than 2:00. DO NOT cap yourself at 2:00 or go beyond that point. Pick a number, even if it’s a smaller number, that you can sprint through the first half of and finish every round in less than 2:00. WARM-UP 3 sets: 1:00 jump rope 5 windmills/arm 5 inchworm + push-up :20 elbow instep/side 10 PVC pass throughs 10 PVC overhead squats 3 sets: :20 burpees – Rest 1:00 between and increase paces each set. ACCESSORY Post-workout: Accumulate: 100 feet-anchored sit-ups STRETCHING 2 sets: :30 cobra stretch :30 Samson stretch/side
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Clean and Jerk ( RX 7 sets for load: 1 deadlift 1 clean 1 hang clean 1 jerk – Athletes may power or squat clean and push or split jerk, but the complex must be unbroken.) Start at 60% of your 1 rep max clean and jerk
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting REST DAY
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit JACK SKELLINGTON (Time) Costumes are welcome! 😀 RX For Time: 10-31-10-31 reps of Wall Balls (20/14) Toes-to-Bar  Wall Ball Facing Burpees *After each round, complete a 100 ft Wall Ball Overhead Walking Lunge 25 Minute Time Cap MOD 1 For Time 10-31-10-31 reps of: Wall Ball Shots  (14/10 lb) Hanging Knee Raises MedBall Ball Facing Burpees After each round, complete: 100 foot MedBall Overhead Walking Lunges  (14/10 lb)
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 10.31.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT 4 rounds for time: 20 single-DB thrusters 400-m run BODYWEIGHT 4 rounds for time: 20 weighted thrusters 400-m run WORKOUT NOTES 10:00-15:00. Light DB loading (less than 35/50 lbs). Maintain thruster volume and reduce load as needed to finish reps in less than 1:15. Reduce the run distance to 300-m or less to finish in under 2:15. WARM-UP EMOM 5: :10 squat hold 10-15 air squats AFAP – Complete both each minute. 1 set: 50-m run 5 pause DB goblet squats (:03) 50-m run 10 DB goblet squats 50-m run 5 DB strict presses (:03 hold @ the top) 50-m run 10 DB thrusters – Rest as needed after each set of DB work. ACCESSORY Pre-workout: 5 sets: 7 DB hang clean and jerks – All sets for quality. – Rest 1:00 between sets. STRETCHING 1 set: 1:00 foam roll quads...
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