Bell House Fitness – Lifting REST DAY
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 10.26.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT For time: 200-m run 40 jumps onto an object 40 sit-ups 200-m run 30 jumps onto an object 30 sit-ups 200-m run 20 jumps onto an object 20 sit-ups 200-m run 10 jumps onto an object 10 sit-ups BODYWEIGHT Same as equipment option. WORKOUT NOTES 11:00-15:00. Simple, bodyweight workout. Reduce the run volume to 150-m to finish in less than 1:00, reduce the height of the object jumped to, and reduce the jump and sit-up volume to 20-15-10-5 if necessary. WARM-UP 1 set: 200-m run 10 leg swings in each direction/side 10 consecutive step-ups/leg 10 strict sit-ups 10 leg swings in each direction/side 10 alternating step-ups 10 sit-ups 200-m run 3 sets: 5 jumps onto an object – Rest :30 between sets and increase pace. ACCESSORY 8 sets: :20 double-unders – Rest :10. STRETCHING 2 sets: :30 foam roll IT band/leg...
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 10.26.22 (Time) RX For time: 200-m run 40 box jumps (20/24 in) 40 sit-ups 200-m run 30 box jumps 30 sit-ups 200-m run 20 box jumps 20 sit-ups 200-m run 10 box jumps 10 sit-ups Mod 1 Same as Rx’d Mod 2 For time: 100-m run 20 box jumps (20/24 in) 20 sit-ups 100-m run 15 box jumps 15 sit-ups 100-m run 10 box jumps 10 sit-ups 100-m run 5 box jumps 5 sit-ups SKILL WORK Post-workout: 3 sets: :30 plank hold on rings – Rest :30 :30 seated leg raises – Rest :30 – Ring should be about 6-inches off the ground.
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting 10.25.22 MAIN LIFT 3 sets: 1 back squat – Building to your heaviest single.   NOTES We are in the fourth week of our final weightlifting cycle for the year. This week we are taking a step back for the cleans and snatches. Take advantage of the lighter loads to work on moving as well as possible. The back squat and bench press are going to be where we lift heavy with an opportunity to work up to a new 1-rep max. Get after it and have fun! Today is the day we attempt a new 1-rep max back squat. Take your time warming up and ensure your squat feels great before starting. When attempting a new 1-rep max, never tie a PR. Always try and break it! Even if it’s a 5lb pr, that’s still a PR! Rest 3:00 between sets. In Accessory –...
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 10.25.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT Every 2:00 for 8 sets: :45 AMRAP: 7 burpees Max-rep DB power cleans BODYWEIGHT Every 2:00 for 8 sets: :45 AMRAP: 7 burpees Max-rep jumping squats WORKOUT NOTES Burpees in less than :20, 10+ cleans each round. As heavy as possible on the cleans (50/70 lb DBs). Reduce the burpee volume to 5 or even 3 reps and reduce the DB load if possible and/or clean with just one DB. WARM-UP 3 sets: :20 unweighted good mornings :20 left-leg back step lunges :20 right-leg back step lunges :20 DB bent over rows – Rest :10 between movements. 1 set: 10 DB deadlifts 3 burpees 8 DB hang power cleans 3 burpees 5 DB power cleans 1 set: :30 AMRAP: 5 burpees Max-rep DB power cleans ACCESSORY 3 sets: :30 plank hold – Rest :30 :30 seated leg...
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