Bell House Fitness – Lifting Bench Press (MAIN LIFT 3 sets: 7 bench presses – Building to your heaviest set of 7. ) NOTES We are in our fourth and final weightlifting cycle for the year. During the next twelve weeks, we will focus on maximum effort strength, lifting some of the heaviest loads we have lifted all year with two basic barbell movements and two Olympic lifts per week. We hope to see a few resulting PRs! We’ll see the snatch and clean throughout the entire twelve weeks, however, the basic barbell lifts will change on the fifth week and the ninth week. Build to your heaviest set of 7 unbroken reps today. Take ample time to warm up and build to your starting weight. This should be around 75% of your 1-rep max. If available, be sure to have someone spotting you or at least keeping an eye...
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 10.08.22 (5 Rounds for time) EQUIPMENT 5 rounds, each for time, of: 20 single-DB bent over rows 30 push-ups 40 sit-ups 50 squats – Rest precisely three minutes between rounds. BODYWEIGHT 5 rounds, each for time, of: 20 tuck-ups 30 push-ups 40 sit-ups 50 squats – Rest precisely three minutes between rounds. WORKOUT NOTES 4:00 or less for the first 3 rounds. Bodyweight workout that is lower in skill, but high in volume. Reduce reps to 10-20-30-40. Scale push-ups to the knees. WARM-UP 1 set: 10 alternating shoulder taps/side 10 knee push-ups :20 hollow hold 10 squat-to-stand 1 set: 10 alternating plank rows 5 tempo push-ups 10 strict sit-ups 10 pause squats (:02) 1 set: 10 single-DB bent over rows 10 push-ups 10 sit-ups 20 squats. ACCESSORY Rest, stretch, and recover STRETCHING 3 sets: :30 standing pike stretch :30 scorpion stretch/side :30 Samson stretch/side
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Barbara (Time) Five Rounds for time: 20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats *3-minute rest after each round*MOD 1 5 rounds, each for time, of: 10 pull-ups 20 push-ups 30 sit-ups 40 squats – Rest precisely three minutes between rounds. MOD 2 5 rounds, each for time, of: 10 jumping pull-ups 10 push-ups 20 sit-ups 20 squats – Rest precisely three minutes between rounds.
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting 10.07.22 MAIN LIFT 3 sets: 3 snatch (65%) 4 sets: 3 snatch (70%)   NOTES We are in our fourth and final weightlifting cycle for the year. During the next twelve weeks, we will focus on maximum effort strength, lifting some of the heaviest loads we have lifted all year with two basic barbell movements and two Olympic lifts per week. We hope to see a few resulting PRs! We’ll see the snatch and clean throughout the entire twelve weeks, however, the basic barbell lifts will change on the fifth week and the ninth week. Base the percentages on a recent 1-rep max. 7 total sets. The reps do not have to be touch and go, but don’t rest more than :10 between lifts. Put the bar down just long enough to reset your grip and compose yourself. These lifts may be performed as a...
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 10.07.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT 5 rounds for time: 75 double-unders 400-m run BODYWEIGHT 5 rounds for time: 75 fast-tap steps 400-m run WORKOUT NOTES 13:00-19:00. Bodyweight workout that’s higher in volume. Reduce double-under volume to keep sets to 1:30 or less. WARM-UP 1 set: :30 calf raises/leg 100-m run :30 calf stretch/leg 100-m run :30 samson stretch/side 100-m run :30 single-unders 200-m run :30 single-single-double 200-m run :30 double-unders – Rest :10-:20 between movements. ACCESSORY 5 sets: 100-m sprint – Rest 1:00-1:30 between sets. STRETCHING Accumulate: 1:00 foam roll calf/leg 1:00 lacrosse ball roll/foot
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