Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 10.01.22 (Time) RX 2 rounds for time: With a partner: 50 KB swings (53/70 lb) 60 box jump overs (20/24 in) 70 synchronized walking lunge steps INTERMEDIATE 2 rounds for time: With a partner: 50 KB swings (35/53 lb) 60 box jump overs (20/24 in) 70 synchronized walking lunge steps BEGINNER 2 rounds for time: With a partner: 50 KB swings (26/35 lb) 60 box jump overs (12/16 in) 70 synchronized walking lunge steps SKILL WORK Post-workout: 4 sets: 10 KB side bends/side 1:00 double KB front-rack hold Strict Pulling Strength Program – Test (AMRAP – Reps) Video yourself doing your initial test and record the number of ring rows or strict pull ups (banded or bodyweight) you achieved. Put in the notes section HOW you did your ring rows or pull ups (which rings you were on, which bands/how many you used, etc). *Pull ups...
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