Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 08.29.22 (4 Rounds for reps) EQUIPMENT 4 rounds for reps: 1:00 single-arm DB sumo deadlift high pull 1:00 sit-ups 1:00 DB step-ups (20 in) BODYWEIGHT 4 rounds for reps: 1:00 good mornings 1:00 sit-ups 1:00 weighted step-ups (20 in) WORKOUT NOTES 20+ sumo deadlift high pull/min, 20+ sit-ups/min, and 15+ step-ups/min. Light-to-moderate load DB (35/50 lb) Reduce the DB loading if possible, anchor the feet for the sit-ups if needed, and perform step-ups unweighted as necessary. WARM-UP 1 set: 10 head circles/direction 10 arm circles forward 10 arm circles backward 10 arm swings across 10 arm swings overhead 10 twists/direction 10 leg swings/leg 10 lateral leg swings/leg 10 unweighted good mornings 10 up-downs 10 jumping squats 10 burpees 2 sets: :20 single-arm DB sumo deadlift high pull – Rest :10 :20 sit-ups – Rest :10 :20 DB step-ups – Rest 1:00 ACCESSORY EMOM 12:...
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 08.29.22 (4 Rounds for reps) RX 4 rounds for reps: 1:00 calorie row 1:00 sit-ups 1:00 DB box step-over (20″) (35/50 lb) Mod 1 4 rounds for reps: 1:00 calorie row 1:00 sit-ups 1:00 DB box step-over (20″) (20/35 lb) Mod 2 4 rounds for reps: 1:00 calorie row 1:00 sit-ups 1:00 box step-over (20″) SKILL WORK Pre-workout: EMOM 12: Min. 1 | 10 false grip ring rows Min. 2 | 10 rings dips Min. 3 | 5-8 Low ring muscle-up transitions
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting 08.27.22 MAIN LIFT Deadlift 1 set: 10 reps (40%) 8 reps (50%) 6 reps (60%) Max unbroken reps (70%) – rest 2:00 between percentages. NOTES This is our last week within this cycle performing the deadlift. Throughout these last four weeks, we have been building up our stamina with this lift. The goal is to get as close as possible, or to surpass, the 10-rep threshold. Just as in previous weeks, these are meant to be unbroken reps. So, once you put the barbell down, the attempt is over. Rest 2:00-3:00 between each percentage. Base the percentages off of your 1-rep max. Next week, we will begin a mini-cycle with box squats and shoulder presses. In Accessory – I, use a pair of DBs for the rear foot-elevated split squats. Find a weight that challenges you for 8 reps and stay there for all 4...
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 08.27.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 10: 5 DB push presses :20 L-sit hold BODYWEIGHT AMRAP 10: 5 kipping handstand push-ups :20 L-sit hold WORKOUT NOTES 8-12 rounds. Moderate-to-heavy DB load (35/50 lbs or heavier). Cut the L-sit hold to :15, :10, or scale to a tuck hold. WARM-UP On a 6:00 clock: 10 walking lunge steps 5 dive bomber push-ups 10 hamstring scoops/leg 5 single-leg leg lifts/side 1 set: 5 DB shoulder press :20 hollow hold 5 DB push press :10 Tuck hold 10 DB push press (fast) :10 L-sit hold – Rest as needed between movements. ACCESSORY EMOM 8: 2 DB push presses + 2 DB push jerks STRETCHING 3 sets: :30 reach, roll, and lift 30 banded pull-aparts
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 08.27.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) RX AMRAP 10: 5 push presses (95/135 lb) 3 L pull-ups Mod 1 AMRAP 10: 5 push presses (65/95 lb) 3 strict pull-ups Mod 2 AMRAP 10: 5 push presses (35/45 lb) 3 banded pull-ups SKILL WORK Pre-workout: On a 8:00 clock for load: Build to a 2-rep push press from the floor
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