Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Equipment WOD: AMRAP 15: 9 Strict Pull-Ups 15 Hand-Release Pushups 21 Dumbbell SwingsCHECK OUT VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogS53hZGDlE Stimulus Looking to get as many rounds and reps as possible in this 15 minute workout Pick a rep scheme for pull-ups that allows you to maintain a steady pace for the whole 15 minutes Example Pull-Up rep schemes * 5-4 * * 4-3-2 * * 3- 3-3 * * 3-2-2-2 * * Singles * On the pushups we are looking for a full lock out of the arms at the top of the movement and hands off the ground at the bottom As we move through push-ups our body should go from the top to the bottom in a straight line through the movement If unable to complete 15 Hand release push-ups you can substitute knee push-ups Always preferring planned breaks over...
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (2 Rounds for reps) WITH EQUIPMENT WORKOUT AMRAP 6: 2 Single DB Reverse Lunges, 20 Double-Unders 4 Single DB Reverse Lunges, 20 Double-Unders 6 Single DB Reverse Lunges, 20 Double-Unders Continue to add (2) reverse lunges per round Rest 2:00 AMRAP 6: 2 Single DB Power Snatches, 20 Double-Unders 4 Single DB Power Snatches, 20 Double-Unders 6 Single DB Power Snatches, 20 Double-Unders Continue to add (2) power snatches per round (SCORE IS TOTAL AMOUNT OF REPS OF DB MOVEMENT FOR EACH ROUND)Stimulus DB Power Snatches will be alternating each rep Choose a DB weight that when fresh you’d be able to complete 20+ reps unbroken Shoot for unbroken sets on the double unders Consistency will beat speed out of the gates Warm-Up 8 Minutes For Quality: 20 Single Unders 15 Shoulder Taps Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2IH6omfYec&feature=youtu.be 10 Pass Throughs Video * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLup2Kn9INM 5 Inchworm to...
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (3 Rounds for time) On the 0: 1 Mile Run On the 10: 100/70 Calorie Row On the 20: 100/70 Calorie Assault Bike *30 Minute Cap* Metcon (3 Rounds for time) HOME GYM WOD On the 0:00… 1 Mile Run On the 10:00… 100 Burpees On the 20:00… 1 Mile RunStimulus Opportunity to practice pacing larger intervals Aim to keep the second 1 mile run within :10 -: 15 seconds of the first Your score will be 3 separate completion times (system will add together sum total) If you believe your mile time to be in the 9:00’s or above, let’s modify to 800m today and run hard 8:00 Time Cap on Part #2 (burpees) WARM-UP: 3 Rounds: 30 Seconds Samson Stretch Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3-tEdWuTbc&feature=youtu.be 10 Glute Bridges 30 Seconds Cossack Squats Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvodm1BivOo&feature=youtu.be 5 Push-ups 200m Jog (1st slow, 2nd moderate, 3rd at planned...
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) For Time: 21 Power Snatches (95/65) 5 Rounds of “Cindy” 21 Overhead Squats (95/65) 5 Rounds of “Cindy” 21 Squat Snatches (95/65) Metcon (Time) Home Gym 3 Rounds For Time: 800m Run 30 Dumbbell Power Snatches 50/35 30 Goblet Squats Equipment Free 3 Rounds For Time: 800m Run 50 Sit-ups 50 Air Squats SUBS Run 100 toe taps to begin and finish each round Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLdzkrsGl6I&feature=youtu.be MOVEMENT PREP WARMUP SET 100 Meter jog 6 AB-Mat Sit-ups 6 Air Squats
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) Teams of 3 For Time (30 Minute Cap): 5 Rounds of “DT” (135/95) 100/70 Calorie Assault Bike 5 Rounds of “DT” (135/95) 100/70 Calorie Assault Bike 5 Rounds of “DT”(135/95) 1 Round of “DT”: 12 Deadlifts 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Push Jerks
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