Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 12 Days of CrossFit (Time) “12 Days of CrossFit” 1 Deadlift @ 75% 2 Push ups 3 0s High Plank 4 DB lunges 5 DB Squats 6 DB Snatches 7 Burpees 8 Box Jump Overs 9 Toes to Bar 10 Pull ups 11 0m DB Carry 12 Cal Bike
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 12 Days of CrossFit (Time) “12 Days of CrossFit” 1 Deadlift @ 75% 2 Push ups 3 0s High Plank 4 DB lunges 5 DB Squats 6 DB Snatches 7 Burpees 8 Box Jump Overs 9 Toes to Bar 10 Pull ups 11 0m DB Carry 12 Cal Bike
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting 12.23.22 MAIN LIFT On a 20:00 clock: Build to a 1-rep max snatch   NOTES Welcome to the final week of this lifting cycle! Today, build up to around 80% with the complex and then take up to 20:00 to find a 1-rep max snatch. If performing the class workout, perform your 1-rep max before class and perform 1 snatch pull during the skill work. Rest as needed between sets. In Accessory – I, keep the loads light and the reps crisp to focus on SPEED. If it feels good, you can build to a heavy set of 5. If not, keep it light and make it fast. WARM-UP 2 sets: 10 unweighted good mornings 10 air squats 10 alternating spiderman stretches 10 alternating scorpion stretches EMOM 5: 2 muscle snatches + 2 overhead squats EMOM 5: 1 muscle snatch + 2 tall snatches 5...
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 12.23.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT For time: 75 DB power snatches BODYWEIGHT For time: 75 burpees to a target (6 in) WORKOUT NOTES 3:00-8:00. Light-to-moderate DB (35/50 lb). Use one DB. Reduce DB load as needed and substitute with cleans or hang snatches if necessary. WARM-UP 2 sets: 20 walking lunge steps 5 elbow instep + hamstring stretch/side 10 DB good mornings 5 wall squats 1 set: 10 alternating DB cleans 5 DB push presses/side 5 single-arm DB swings/side 5 DB hang power snatches/side EMOM 3: 6-10 DB power snatches – Perform all sets as fast as possible. ACCESSORY Post-workout: EMOM 8: 3 burpee + vertical jumps – Reset between reps. Drop to the floor, burpee up, and jump as high as possible for each rep. STRETCHING 2 sets: 1:00 foam roll lower back :30 cat-cow :30 standing pike stretch
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 12.22.22 (5 Rounds for reps) RX 5 x 2:00 rounds for reps: 18/25 calorie row Max double-unders – Rest 2:00 between sets MOD 1) 5 x 2:00 rounds for reps: 13/18 calorie row Max double-unders – Rest 2:00 between sets MOD 2) 5 x 2:00 rounds for reps: 7/10 calorie row Max single-unders – Rest 2:00 between sets SKILL WORK Post-workout: Accumulate: 100 hollow rocks – Every time you break perform 25 sit-ups.
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