Bell House Fitness – Lifting 02.08.23 (No Measure) MAIN LIFT 3 sets for load: 5 push press 3 drop sets: 2 push presses – Use 90% of your best set of 5. NOTES All sets should be unbroken. Adjust the loading accordingly if the designated percentage won’t allow this. Today’s goal is around 75-80% of...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 02.08.23 (Weight) EQUIPMENT For load: EMOM 25: Min. 1-5 | 10 DB power cleans Min. 6-10 | 9 DB front squats Min. 11-15 | 8 DB hang power cleans Min. 16-20 | 7 DB hang squat cleans Min. 21-25 | 6 DB squat cleans SCORE:LOAD BODYWEIGHT For load: EMOM...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Clean (EMOM 25: Min 1-5: 3 unbroken cleans Min 6-10: 2 unbroken cleans Min 11-25: 1 Clean) THIS ONE IS FOR SQUAT CLEANS Power Clean (EMOM 25: Min 1-5: 3 unbroken cleans Min 6-10: 2 unbroken cleans Min 11-25: 1 Clean) THIS ONE IS FOR POWER CLEANSRead More
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