Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 03.10.23 (Time) EQUIPMENT For time: 100 air squats 5 handstand push-ups 25-ft handstand walk 75 air squats 10 handstand push-ups 25-ft handstand walk 50 air squats 15 handstand push-ups 25-ft handstand walk 25 air squats 20 handstand push-ups 25-ft handstand walk SCORE:TOTAL TIME BODYWEIGHT Same as equipment option. SCORE:TOTAL...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 03.10.23 (Time) RX For time: 100 air squats 5 handstand push-ups 25-ft handstand walk 75 air squats 10 handstand push-ups 25-ft handstand walk 50 air squats 15 handstand push-ups 25-ft handstand walk 25 air squats 20 handstand push-ups 25-ft handstand walk MOD 1 For time: 100 air squats 5 pike...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Lifting 03.10.23 MAIN LIFT 5 sets for load: 3 front squats – Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets. SCORE:LOAD NOTES In week 2 of this 4-week cycle, we build to a 3RM front squat. Start your working sets around 70-80% of your 1-rep-max front squat and find a 3-rep-max. In Accessory – I,...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 03.09.23 (5 Rounds for reps) EQUIPMENT 5 sets x 2:00 for reps: 400-m run Max double-unders in the remaining time – Rest 1:00 between sets. BODYWEIGHT 5 sets x 2:00 for reps: 400-m run Max lateral hops (12 in) – Rest 1:00 between sets. WORKOUT NOTES :20+ of double-under...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 03.09.23 (5 Rounds for reps) RX 5 sets x 2:00 for reps: 400-m run Max double-unders in the remaining time – Rest 1:00 between sets. MOD 1 Same as Rx’d MOD 2 5 sets x 2:00 for reps: 200-m run Max single-unders in the remaining time – Rest 1:00 between...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 03.08.23 (Time) EQUIPMENT For time: 25 DB power snatches left-arm 25 DB power snatches right-arm 50 sit-ups 20 DB power snatches left-arm 20 DB power snatches right-arm 40 sit-ups 15 DB power snatches left-arm 15 DB power snatches right-arm 30 sit-ups 10 DB power snatches left-arm 10 DB power...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Lifting 03.08.23 (No Measure) MAIN LIFT 5 sets for load: 5 bench presses – Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets. SCORE:LOAD NOTES In week 2 of this 4-week cycle, we build to a 5-rep-max bench press. Begin your working sets around 70-80% of your 1-rep-max bench press and find a 5-rep-max. In Accessory...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 03.08.23 (Time) RX For time: 25 DB power snatches left-arm (35/50 lb) 25 DB power snatches right-arm 50 sit-ups 20 DB power snatches left-arm 20 DB power snatches right-arm 40 sit-ups 15 DB power snatches left-arm 15 DB power snatches right-arm 30 sit-ups 10 DB power snatches left-arm 10 DB...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 03.07.23 (AMRAP – Reps) EQUIPMENT 5 sets for reps: :30 DB shoulder presses – Rest 3:00 between sets. – Use two DBs. BODYWEIGHT 5 sets for reps: :30 strict handstand push-ups – Rest 3:00 between sets. WORKOUT NOTES Unbroken sets, regardless of total reps. Heavy DB loading (50/70 lb),...Read More