Bell House Fitness – Lifting REST DAY
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 10.29.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 30: Max-distance run – Starting at 0:00 and every 3:00 after perform 10 burpees. – Run out and then turn around after performing the 10 burpees starting at the 15:00 mark. BODYWEIGHT Same as equipment option. WORKOUT NOTES Burpees in less than :45, run more slowly in the first half, and make it back to, or further than, your starting point by the end of the workout. Simple, bodyweight and monostructural metabolic conditioning workout. Reduce burpee volume to 5-8 reps to finish in less than :45. Reduce overall duration to 21:00, and/or take :30 before each set of burpees to walk and recover. WARM-UP On a 3:00 clock:  Jog 1 set: 10 torso twists 10 arm circles/direction 10 arm swings overhead 10 hamstring scoops/side 10 single-leg calf raises/side :30 air squats 3 burpees (slow) 4 burpees...
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Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 10.29.22 (Calories) AMRAP 30 w/partner: Athlete A – Max Calorie Row Athlete B – 10 Burpees Switch every 1:30
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Bell House Fitness – Lifting 10.28.22 MAIN LIFT 3 sets: 2 cleans (60%) 4 sets: 2 cleans (65%)   NOTES We are in the fourth week of our final weightlifting cycle for the year. This week we are taking a step back for the cleans and snatches. Take advantage of the lighter loads to work on moving as well as possible. The back squat and bench press are going to be where we lift heavy with an opportunity to work up to a new 1-rep max. Get after it and have fun! Perform each set of cleans as singles. The weights are light so focus on moving to the best of your ability. Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets. In Accessory – I, build to a tough weight for the Bulgarian split squats. You can elevate your foot however you would like, but a bench is easiest. Perform all 6 reps on...
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Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 10.28.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT 5 rounds for time: 36 double-unders 12 DB thrusters 4 wall facing strict handstand push-ups BODYWEIGHT 5 rounds for time: 36 lateral line hops 12 weighted thrusters 4 wall facing strict handstand push-ups WORKOUT NOTES 11:00-15:00. Light DB load (less than 35/50 lbs) and advanced gymnastics. Scale the double-unders to 1/2 reps or 1:00 of attempts, reduce the thruster load and/or use just one DB, and scale the handstand push-ups to a piked push-up. WARM-UP 3 sets: :30 jump rope :30 mountain climbers – Rest :30. 1 set: 5 DB squats 5 DB push presses 5 DB thrusters 5 piked push-ups 5 handstand push-ups 3 wall facing strict HSPUs 2 sets: 15 double-unders 6 DB thrusters 2 wall facing strict HSPUs ACCESSORY 4 sets: 3 weighted strict pull-ups 4 wide-grip strict pull-ups 5 strict pull-ups STRETCHING Accumulate: 1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side
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