Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 10.26.22 (Time) RX For time: 200-m run 40 box jumps (20/24 in) 40 sit-ups 200-m run 30 box jumps 30 sit-ups 200-m run 20 box jumps 20 sit-ups 200-m run 10 box jumps 10 sit-ups Mod 1 Same as Rx’d Mod 2 For time: 100-m run 20 box jumps (20/24...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 10.25.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT Every 2:00 for 8 sets: :45 AMRAP: 7 burpees Max-rep DB power cleans BODYWEIGHT Every 2:00 for 8 sets: :45 AMRAP: 7 burpees Max-rep jumping squats WORKOUT NOTES Burpees in less than :20, 10+ cleans each round. As heavy as possible on...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Lifting 10.25.22 MAIN LIFT 3 sets: 1 back squat – Building to your heaviest single. NOTES We are in the fourth week of our final weightlifting cycle for the year. This week we are taking a step back for the cleans and snatches. Take advantage of the lighter loads to...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Power Clean (8 sets for load: 2 power cleans) SKILL WORK Post-workout: 8 sets: :20 calorie assault bike :10 restRead More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 10.24.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 20: 5 handstand push-ups 10 alternating single-leg squats 15 v-ups BODYWEIGHT Same as equipment option. WORKOUT NOTES 10+ rounds. Advanced bodyweight workout. Scale the handstand push-ups to piked push-ups, the single-leg squats to a foot-wrap variation or simply a lunge, and...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Lifting 10.24.22 MAIN LIFT 3 sets: 2 snatches (60%) 4 sets: 2 snatches (65%) NOTES We are in the fourth week of our final weightlifting cycle for the year. This week we are taking a step back for the cleans and snatches. Take advantage of the lighter loads to work...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 10.22.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 20 with a partner: Athlete A: 200m run 10 Wallball shots(20/14) Athlete B: 12/9 Cal Bike *Switch when both athletes are done Mod.1 : Wallballs (14/10) Mod.2 : 100m Run Wallballs 10# 9/6 Cal BikeRead More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 10.22.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT For time: 500-m run 1:00 L-sit hold 50 single-DB thrusters BODYWEIGHT For time: 500-m run 1:00 L-sit hold 50 jumping air squats WORKOUT NOTES 7:00-15:00. Light DB load (less than 35/50 lb). Sprint the run. Scale L-sit difficulty by bending the knees, and reduce thruster load...Read More