Bell House Fitness – Lifting 10.04.22 (No Measure) MAIN LIFT 3 sets: 3 cleans (65%) 4 sets: 3 cleans (70%) NOTES Today kicks off our fourth and final weightlifting cycle for the year. During the next twelve weeks, we will focus on maximum effort strength, lifting some of the heaviest loads we have lifted...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 10.04.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT 3 rounds for time: 400-m run 15 DB front squats 50-ft handstand walk BODYWEIGHT 3 rounds for time: 400-m run 25 jumping squats 50-ft handstand walk WORKOUT NOTES 10:00-14:00. Moderate DB load (35/50 lb). Reduce run distance to 300-m, use just 1 DB for the squats...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Deadlift (RX 5 sets for load: 8 deadlifts ) SKILL WORK Post-workout: 3 sets: 15 GHD back extensions 15 good mornings (65/95 lb)Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 10.03.22 (AMRAP – Reps) EQUIPMENT 5 sets for reps: :30 superman hold – Rest :10 :30 air squat hold – Rest :10 :30 max-rep DB deadlifts – Rest 2:10 between sets. BODYWEIGHT 5 sets for reps: :30 superman hold – Rest :10 :30 air squat hold – Rest :10...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 09.30.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) RX AMRAP 25: 20 handstand push-ups 800-m run MOD 1 AMRAP 25: 12 handstand push-ups 800-m run MOD 2 AMRAP 25: 15 piked push-ups 600-m run – Rest 1:00 between rounds. Strict Pulling Strength Program – Test (AMRAP – Reps) Video yourself doing your...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 09.30.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 25: 20 handstand push-ups 800-m run BODYWEIGHT Same as equipment option. WORKOUT NOTES 4-6 rounds. Higher skill bodyweight workout. Reduce the run volume to 600-m. Reduce HSPU volume to 10-15 reps to complete in 3-4 sets. Scale to piked push-ups as...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 09.27.22 (AMRAP – Reps) RX AMRAP 30: With a partner: Max distance row – One partner works at a time switching as needed. INTERMEDIATE Same as Rx’d BEGINNER AMRAP 20: With a partner: Max distance row – One partner works at a time switching as needed.Read More