Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 08.25.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT 5 rounds for time: 15 hand-release push-ups 300-m run BODYWEIGHT Same as equipment option. WORKOUT NOTES 10:00-15:00. Lower-skill bodyweight workout. Scale push-ups to the knees as needed. WARM-UP 2 sets: 10 alternating scorpion stretch 10 lying leg crossovers 1 set: 400-m run 10 tempo push-ups 200-m...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Lifting Hang Power Snatch (MAIN LIFT For load: 2 hang power snatches – Build to a 2-rep max.) NOTES This is the eighth week in our third cycle. The goal is to test how well focusing on speed at submaximal loads contributes to our 2-rep hang power snatch. Base the percentages...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Back Squat (5 sets for load: 5 back squats) SKILL WORK Post workout: 2 sets: 20 banded side steps (moving left) 15 GHD hip extensions 20 banded side steps (moving right) 15 good mornings (light)Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 08.23.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 1:00 x 5 sets: 12 DB walking lunges Max-rep DB squats – Rest 3:00 between sets. BODYWEIGHT AMRAP 1:00 x 5 sets: 12 walking lunges Max-rep air squats – Rest 3:00 and walk 100-m between sets. WORKOUT NOTES 15+ squats each...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 08.22.22 (Time) EQUIPMENT For time: 30 DB hang power cleans 40 DB deadlifts 500-m run with DB BODYWEIGHT For time: 30 v-ups 40 double-knee tucks in plank 50 burpees WORKOUT NOTES 4:00-6:00. Use a light loading that allows for fast reps and large sets (less than 35/50 lb). Reduce...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Lifting Hang Power Clean (MAIN LIFT For load: 2 hang power cleans – Build to a 2-rep max. ) NOTES This is the eighth week in our third cycle. The goal is to test how well focusing on speed at submaximal loads contributes to our 2-rep hang power clean. Base the...Read More