Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 5k Row (Time) Max Effort 5k RowMod 1 Same as Rx’d Mod 2 On a 15:00 clock: Max meters on the rower SKILL WORK Post-workout: 1 set: 400-m KB farmers carry (53/70 lb)Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) RX For total reps: 3 sets of shoulder presses (2/3 bodyweight) 3 sets of strict pull-ups 3 sets of push presses (2/3 bodyweight) 3 sets of strict pull-ups 3 sets of push jerks (2/3 bodyweight) 3 sets of strict pull-ups Mod 1 For total reps: 3...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) RX 6 rounds for time: 5 hang power cleans (105/155 lb) 10 weighted lunges Then … Mod 1 6 rounds for time: 5 hang power cleans (75/115 lb) 10 weighted lunges Then … Mod 2 6 rounds for time: 5 hang power cleans (35/45 lb) 10 weighted lunges...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Front Squat (8 sets for load: 2 front squats) SKILL WORK Post-workout: 2 sets: 20 banded side-steps (moving right) 20 banded good mornings 20 banded side-steps (moving left) 10 single-leg glute bridges/legRead More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) RX 5 rounds for time: 35 double-unders 200-m run Mod 1 5 rounds for time: :30 double unders 200-m run Mod 2 5 rounds for time: 35 single-unders 200-m runSKILL WORK Pre-workout: 8 sets for reps: :20 double-unders – Rest :10 – Compare to Jan. 4, 2022Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Metcon (Time) RX 3 rounds for time: 25 deadlifts (155/225 lb) 800/1,000-m bike Mod 1 3 rounds for time: 25 deadlifts (105/155 lb) 800/1,000-m bike Mod 2 3 rounds for time: 20 deadlifts (55/75 lb) 400/500-m bikeSKILL WORK Pre-workout: With a partner: Accumulate 100 KB Swings – One partner holds...Read More