Bell House Fitness – Lifting 01.07.23 MAIN LIFT 3 sets for load: 2 dip squat cleans 1 hang squat clean – Dip is from the hip, and the hang is from above the knee. 2 drop sets: 1 complex @ 95% 1 complex @ 90% NOTES For the Main Lift, perform 3 heavy sets...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 01.06.23 (AMRAP – Reps) EQUIPMENT 3 sets for reps: Max-reps unbroken DB thrusters – Rest 3:00-4:00 between sets. – Go until failure on each set. BODYWEIGHT 3 rounds for total time: 100 air squats – Rest 3:00 between sets. SCORE:TOTAL TIME WORKOUT NOTES 15-30 reps/set. Any DB load may...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 01.05.23 (3 Rounds for weight) RX For load: 15-12-9: Thrusters – Rest 3:00 between sets MOD 1) Same as Rx’d MOD 2) Same as Rx’d SKILL WORK Post-workout: Accumulate: 30 low ring muscle-up transitionsRead More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 01.05.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 20 with a partner: 200-m run 1:00 plank hold BODYWEIGHT Same as equipment option. WORKOUT NOTES 6-8+ rounds. Light, bodyweight workout. Reduce plank hold duration to :45 or :30 of cumulative time as needed. WARM-UP On a 5:00 clock: :20 run...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Lifting 01.04.23 MAIN LIFT 3 sets for load: 2 dip squat snatches 1 hang squat snatch – Dip is from the hip, and the hang is from above the knee. 2 drop sets: 1 complex @ 95% 1 complex @ 90% NOTES For the Main Lift, perform 3 heavy sets...Read More