Bell House Fitness – CrossFit Back Rack Lunge (RX 7 sets for load: 6 back-rack reverse lunges (3/leg)) SKILL WORK Pre-workout: 1 set for max reps: Max unbroken double-unders or 2:00 max unbroken double-undersRead More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 12.30.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT 4 sets for AMRAP 4: 3 DB hang power cleans 6 DB shoulder-to-overheads 9 burpees over the DB 12 DB bent over rows – Rest 2:00 between rounds. BODYWEIGHT 4 sets for AMRAP 4: 3 burpees to a target (12 in) 6...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 12.29.22 (4 Rounds for calories) RX EMOM 5: :30calorie machine row EMOM 5: :45calorie machine row Rest 1:00 EMOM 5: :30calorie machine bike EMOM 5: :45calorie machine bike INTERMEDIATE Same as Rx’d BEGINNER Same as Rx’d SKILL WORK Pre-workout: Every 1:00 x 4 sets: 1) Max Bicep Curls 2) Max...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 12.29.22 (Distance) EQUIPMENT EMOM 5: :20 run EMOM 5: :30 run EMOM 5: :40 run EMOM 5: :50 run BODYWEIGHT Same as equipment option. WORKOUT NOTES Maximize distance for each interval. Bodyweight workout that starts with faster paces and slows towards the end. Moderate running speeds as needed to...Read More
Bell House Fitness – Lifting 12.28.22 MAIN LIFT Every 1:30 for 10 sets: 1 pause overhead squat – Hold the bottom of the squat for :10. SCORE:LOAD NOTES Start between 30-40% of your 1-rep max overhead squat. Add load only if you feel strong and stable, but do not exceed 70% of your 1-rep max....Read More
Bell House Fitness – Home Gym 12.28.22 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) EQUIPMENT AMRAP 8: 2 wall walks 5 deficit DB deadlifts BODYWEIGHT AMRAP 8: 2 wall walks 3 left-leg single-leg squats 3 right-leg single-leg squats WORKOUT NOTES 8+ rounds. The deficit DB deadlift is performed with ALL FOUR heads of the DB touching the...Read More
Bell House Fitness – CrossFit 12.27.22 (Time) RX For time: 30-25-20-15-10: GHD sit-ups 100-80-60-40-20: Double-unders Mod 1) For time: 30-25-20-15-10: GHD sit-ups (to parallel) Double-unders Mod 2) For time: 30-25-20-15-10: Sit-ups Single-unders SKILL WORK Post-workout: Accumulate: 50 back extensionsRead More